Reader Letters | November 26, 2009
I have lived in Eau Claire my whole life. I work in Chippewa Falls. One thing that has always blown me away is the volunteerism that goes on in the Chippewa Falls area. It’s amazing how many endowment funds have been set up and managed by volunteers. From what I understand, the endowment funds only pay out interest. These funds continue to generate interest revenue to ensure they never run out – gifts that keep on giving. In times like these, an article on generosity would be nice to read
– Kara McClean, Eau Claire
Has anyone else “converted” to the Channel 18 morning program? I really miss the Channel 13 Andrew/Salena team (Salena was voted best in the V1 vote [the 2009 Best of the Chippewa Valley]) and cannot stomach the current format on 13 (think bad Forensics event). It is hard enough to get up in the morning and then listen to bad news reporting ... so Channel 18, you are now my choice. Keep it local and fun!!
– Roger Groenewold, Eau Claire