
Zorn to Host OK Go

no treadmills, no backyard dancing, just great pop hooks.

Ian Jacoby |

The men of OK Go are not impressed.

OK Go. You probably know them as the precocious young guys who brought you that crazy internet dance video, but they’re also the guys who brought you … that other crazy video where they’re on treadmills. Just kidding. Sort of. OK Go are masters of the weird promotion. They were featured on’s Future Soundtrack of America; they were the touring band for This American Life’s road shows; and they even have a song (alongside Bon Iver) in the new Twilight movie. What can we take from this besides the fact that they’re fairly liberal fellows who enjoy public radio and teenage vampire angst? Well, maybe that they write darn good pop hooks that can even get the most cynical of indie rockers to toe-tap. The originally Chicago-based (now LA-based) band definitely mixes in liberal doses of art with their dance-pop, the result is something akin to watching the nerds in school be the house band at the prom. It’s confusing, it’s heady, but it’s also a lot of fun. OK Go’s live show is something to be seen as well. No, they don’t bring the treadmills, but there are giant projection screens with all sorts of paisley wall paper; there are spiffy 70’s style suits; heck, they even play a fricking gong on half their songs. Yeah, a gong. Nice work UAC, keep up the good work. Maybe Broken Social scene next semester?

    OK Go + Princeton • November 12 • Zorn Arena, UWEC • 7pm • $15 general, $10 students • 836-3727