It's Getting Chili Out
three upcoming events show how much we love our chili

You know what Wisconsinites love about this time of year? One word. Chili. You know what else we like? Eating a crapload of chili for charity. The Clear Water Kiwanians are serving up their secret recipe to raise money for area youth projects at their Annual Chili Fest and Silent Auction, “Chili is Fine in 2009,” at Memorial High School from 11am until 6pm on Nov. 14. It’s $6 for adults, $3 for kids, and you can eat your weight in chili with all the fixings, plus salad, Great Harvest bread, and dessert. Haven’t got enough of eating good chili for a great cause? Employees at CVTC are cooking up their own recipes for five celebrity judges to sample on November 12 (it’s a closed competition – sorry). The winning recipe will be used at Green Mill restaurant for a whole month, and the proceeds of said chili will go to the CVTC Foundation. On a side note, UWEC is using chili to entice prospective college students on Nov. 6, as high school juniors and seniors can visit UWEC to attend classes, tour the campus, and eat chili. Man, we really like our chili around here.