Daredevil to Release Full-Length Album in May
Eau Claire indie poppers Jesse Edgington, Jon Sunde, and Jason Sunde, better known as The Daredevil Christopher Wright, recently signed with Amble Down Records for the release of the band’s first full-length album, titled In Deference to a Broken Back. The octopus-covered album, which is likely due for a May release, follows Daredevil’s Self-Titled EP (from 2005) and The East Coast EP (from last year). Expect “a sound that is wrapped in a beach towel on a warm summer day, while still covered in the dust of grandpa’s old phonographs.” That’s their words; not mine. While you’re waiting for the album, check Daredevil out at UW-Stout’s Underground for a free show on Jan. 22, at 8 pm, with fellow local rockers Laarks. Laarks also have an album coming out soon. See the February issues of V1 for a full story on it.