Find Your Calling

Active and Alive in Altoona promotes all-around wellness

Aryn Widule |

Have you ever wondered if there was a local horseshoe club, a flock of friendly and excited birdwatchers, or a group of local people who enjoyed the relaxation of tai chi on a regular basis? Maybe you knew they were around but didn’t know where to look for them; maybe you wanted to join up, but have a phobia of telephones and only get involved with groups that you can meet face to face. Thanks to a cooperative effort by the Altoona School District and city officials, you can crawl out of your shell and get involved with the hobbies, organizations, and interests that you have longed for so patiently. Active and Alive in Altoona is our very own healthy living expo. A massive gathering of 68 groups all dedicated to bettering your life and well-being through healthy activities that are achievable on almost any budget. Learn about dancing, sewing, hypnosis, waterskiing and a host of other activities that you maybe thought about trying but didn’t know how to get started. What’s that? You’ve always wanted to work on your Nordic skiing skills? You’re in luck, because there is a club dedicated to that proud sport. This is the first annual effort like this, and organizers are hoping for an exemplary turnout so they can keep it going in the future. So stop on down to Hobbs and ask those master gardeners why your hydrangea never seems to bloom quite as nicely as your neighbor’s.

Active and Alive in Altoona • Sunday, Sept. 7 • Hobbs Sports Complex • noon-4pm • FREE • 839-6092 •

Local Legends T-Shirt Poll

The Local Store is adding vintage-style tees featuring the logos of famous former businesses we all know and love. We call the series Local Legends, and we want YOU to pick the tees we’ll make this year.

Vote Here »

contest ends Sun. Sep. 29