
Two Books Released On Durand Killers

Claire Jeffries |

Two new books are hitting the streets about the Maxwell brothers - two burglars who became famous for the Durand killings in 1881. Brothers in Blood by Les Kruger of Owen Sound, Ontario, is a narrative about the brothers' lives and the manhunt that ensued after the killings. Dime Novel Desperadoes - The Notorious Maxwell Brothers, by John Hallwas of Macomb, Ill., follows the psychological build of Ed and Alonzo Maxwell, focusing on how their past affected their future. Both books will be available at the Old Courthouse Museum in Durand. Kruger's book has already been released, and Hallwas's book came out just in time for Pepin County's 150th Birthday Celebration on Aug. 9. And, what better way to celebrate than with cake, balloons, and a book about murder?