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5 Quick Tips on Saving for Your Summer Vacation

Jen Ekblad |

Hoping to take a summer vacation but running low on money? Consider the following tips to quickly save for that sunny outing.  

1. Open a Vacation Fund

Open a separate savings account just for your vacation fund – and remove temptation to buy non-vacation related items.

2. Cut Out the Extras

Fancy coffees, dining out, new (but unneeded) clothes – all things you can cut out in order to take a vacation. If you buy a $5 latte every day, cut that out; make your own coffee at home and save $20-25 a week. What else can you live without for the next few months?  

3. Sell Your Stuff

Do you have things around the house that you’re not using? Hold a garage sale and/or sell items on Facebook, eBay, etc. Chances are, if you haven’t used the items in the past year you won’t miss them, and you’ll have more money saved for your family fun.

4. Look for Deals

Clip coupons and watch for sales. Especially in saving for and booking your getaway. Sites like Groupon, LivingSocial and Expedia offer great deals for vacationers.

5. Save for Next Summer!

Take a “52 week savings challenge.” Start with $1 deposited on week one and increase the dollar amount saved each week ($2 the second week, $3 the third, etc.). You will have saved $1,378 by the end of 52 weeks!

Little things like this can add up to a whole lot of fun and relaxation for you and the family.