The V1 Deal Card is back!

Mike Paulus |

Yep, back by popular demand, it’s the 2010/2011 V1 Card. You may know it better by its official name: Volume One’s Colossal Cost-Cutting Coupon Card of Nonstop Deal Power. What sort of deals can this astounding piece of (super heavy weight) paper get you for only 20 bucks? Amazing question ...

» How do discounted Acoustic Café hoagies sound? BAM!

» How do $5 Zumba classes for you and a friend sound? POW!

» How do you feel about a free pitcher of beer when you buy a Sammy’s pizza? SHA-BOOM!

» Who wants 36.8% off the purchase of a bike helmet when you buy a new bike at Eau Claire Bike & Skate? LASER STRIKE!

There are 77 deals in all!

The deal card is the heart of the 2010/2011 Volume One Membership Drive. And just like years past, there are five different packages you can buy to support local culture and Volume One Magazine. Each package includes the deal card, and the upper packages offer a fine selection of local music and other swag. Upper packages also include gift cards to Volume One’s new Local Store at 17 S. Barstow St.– opening the door to a NARNIA-ESQUE world of local merchandise wonder. And if that weren't enough, the V1 Card gets you 10% OFF Local Store purchases.

All by itself, the card costs $20. For more membership info and a complete list of all 77 deal card deals, go here:

Stop down to the new shop at 17 S. Barstow for our Grand Opening on November 20 where you can pick up a V1 Card / membership package of your choice.