Builders Association flushes bathroom labor costs

Mike Paulus |

Holy crap. The L-T says the Chippewa Valley Home Builders Association has offered to donate the entire labor cost of building the controversial second set of bathrooms in Phoenix Park. If they have the means to do so, this seems to be exactly the kind of donation one’s local builders association should be making to its community.

So, if you start with the project’s estimated $150,000 price tag (down from the original $280,000), and subtract the labor costs, you end up with $85,000 in materials. And the area’s business improvement districts have pledged $52,500 for the project. So this means the final cost of the new cans is around $32,500. Happy now, bathroom haters?

With a surprisal rate of zero percent, our City Council has unanimously voted Oh, hell yes! to  the labor donation. The CVHBA says it could build the bathrooms this winter.