It's Alive!

Sarah Dobs |

The University of Minnesota has created a monster of an apple called the SweeTango (note: this is an apple not a dance) with more security than President Obama at a TEA Party Convention on the rim of an active volcano. Security measures include strict requirements (soil quality, tree density, etc.) for orchard farmers in order to obtain growing rights. I know being famous has its pitfalls – but an apple? Come on! Well, when your mother is Honeycrisp and your father is Zestar. you’re destined for stardom, which makes SweeTango "the it apple" of the season. 

The Dr. Franken-apples over at the U of M have become unhappy with the current quaility of their first creation, the Honeycrisp, after its big debut years ago, so they plan to protect SweeTango's genes by more strictly restricting its rights. This has gotten some local farmers in an uproar, and they’re planning to sue. I'm just upset that my chances of actually tasting this genetic masterpiece is slim.

There’s only one orchard in Wisconsin deemed worthy of growing the fruit, and it’s in Sturgeon Bay. Road trip anyone?