1st Place: Big Falls
2nd Place: Chippewa River
3rd Place: Lake Wissota

Wisconsin has a bunch of lakes. We have a gigantic water park. Heck, we even build water parks inside buildings for when it gets cold outside. We love the water, and since it was discovered as an awesome place to hang out and maybe drink beer, Big Falls has been a perennial favorite for folks of all ages to hang out and keep cool. Rivers are neat, too, and the Chippewa River has been an especially nice place to float, canoe, or kayak for anyone who isn’t afraid of water that moves. Last but not least, the landmark Lake Wissota stands out as a suitable venue for boating, water-skiing, swimming, and fishing. Maybe when you’re tired of all that pull up to the shore and have a bite to eat or enjoy the beauty of Lake Wissota State Park. – Aryn Widule