Wisconsin and Minnesota:
not so great together

Mike Paulus |

Hey, remember the whole “Minnesconsin” thing a few months back where Wisconsin joined forces with Minnesota to venture forth on an amazing journey of self-discovery cost-cutting and joint savings? Well, that journey hasn’t been as much fun as everyone had hoped at the starry-eyed, Favre joke-filled press conference held back in April.

By combing costs and consulting on deals, both states hoped to save “$10 million total in 80 different areas.” Well, so far, Wisconsin has saved a whopping $74,000. And while Minnesota is tight-lipped on how much money the partnership has saved them, the AP surveyed 17 Minnesota agencies and their bean counters say only one department saved money and it was only $2500. Ouch. That won’t even pay for the annual butt kiss demanded by Garrison Keillor’s MPR contract.

As both states grapple with huge budget shortfalls, the only question is over which bar we’ll be meeting at to drown our sorrows, and whither we’ll be drinking Grain Belt or Miller. Meanwhile, North Dakota will be having a ball at the next table, ordering Rum & Cokes like there’s no tomorrow.