Local six year-old is the master of fake bowling

Mike Paulus |

This was so good, we couldn’t just leave it there, sitting on the front page of today’s Leader-Telegram. Check out Eric Lindquist’s article about Zachary Jeffrey, the 6-year-old kid who can decimate you at Wii Sports Bowling. He finished first in a Wii bowling tournament at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair, beating around 30 other contestants, some of whom were up to 6.67 times his age. From the article …

  • In the championship match, after rolling through competitors mostly in their teens and 20s, Zachary lost the first game but then won two in a row to top a man in his 40s to claim the grand prize: a new Nintendo Wii gaming system. The score of the deciding game, which drew quite a crowd as people gathered around to watch the whiz kid, was 228-223.
  • Without being weighed down by the heft of a real bowling ball, Zachary was free to use his unique stutter-step, triple-pump approach to roll virtual games often well over 200.
  • In the semifinals, he came within two pins of a perfect game in ousting his teen opponent 298-297.

The article includes what’s probably the most badass picture ever to grace the front page of our noble Leader-Telegram. Apparently, right before the championship round, he yelled to a judge, “If I beat this old dude, then do I get to take the Wii home?" To celebrate, he had chicken strips for dinner. I love this kid.