What is wrong with people around here and roundabouts?

Mike Paulus |

Let’s get this out of the way: Volume One is unabashedly in love with roundabouts. So anyone out there looking for an unbiased opinion on roundabouts can just click on over to some totally objective traffic-themed website where the reporters get paid big bucks to research and analyze every round angle on that most beautiful of intersections. We love them. Deal with it.

And we are consistently surprised to learn that not everyone shares our opinion. And furthermore, many people cannot seem to understand how they work. Today’s Leader-Telegram even set aside its prime, front page, above-the-fold real estate for an article about how confused locals are about roundabouts. People drive into them and stop. People crash into other cars. Some people even drive right through them, over the center hump – as if the multimillion dollar set of lanes arranged in a thoughtful, efficient circle didn't even exist – leaning out their car window, yelling, This ain’t France ya buncha Dandies! Yee-haw!

But as quoted by the L-T, Ross “state Department of Transportation Northwest Region” Johnson provides all the info you need:

  • "When you're in a roundabout, you have the right of way," Johnson said. "When you're entering a roundabout, you have to yield to vehicles already in it."

So there you go. What’s so hard about this? We’re about to open a brand new, $6.9 million roundabout in Chippewa County in October, so get used to it.