It’s Official: Wisconsinites Drive Better than Minnesotans

Mike Paulus |

In a dramatic co-victory for the state of Wisconsin, we have tied Idaho for the title of “Our State has the Best Drivers in the Whole Damn Country, Nanner, Nanner.” Produced by GMAC Insurance, the National Drivers Test for 2009 measured basic knowledge of driving laws. It was administered to over 5,000 drivers from all 50 states (and the District of Columbia). We tied Idaho for first place with an average score of 80.6. Minnesota tied with Wyoming, Iowa, and Oregon for a respectable 8th, which is still, like, six places behind Wisconsin, who tied for first. Us and Idaho. We’re awesome. [Source.]

New York finished last. Wisconsin tied for first.

You can take the test at Once you’re done, you get to play a little video game where you try not to run over old people and space aliens. For real.