
Eight Six Seven Five Three Eau Claire

Tyler Griggs |

Imagine the expression of surprise on your local Volume One calendar guy's face when he received a press release saying Tommy Tutone is coming to town. Tommy Tutone was that band who in '82 broke out big with "867-5309/Jenny" and ever since probably accounted for more prank calls than all other pranks in the history of prankery combined.

Yeah, that band. They'll be playing at The Red Parrot (formerly Woo's Pagoda) this Friday, Apr. 24. Thank local rock cover band the Pumps for setting up the gig, who will also play that night.

YouTube disabled the sound on an upload of its official video, but here's a live performance of the song here, straight out of 1983.

Something else that's kind of interesting: "867-5309/Jenny" was not the only Tutone song to break the Top 40s (the other being "Angel Say No", peaking at no. 38). Therefore Tommy Tutone is technically a two-hit wonder. Now you have have an icebreaker for when you ask them to sign your landline's handset.

Full details on the show are here.