Coloring Contest Go!

Mike Paulus |

After some slight delays, we’ve got our coloring contest page up and functional, and it’s ready to melt your hearts! (And in a few cases, your eyes.)

>> So go vote on some kid art right now! <<

Hey parents! If you’ve got a kid in the contest, tell your friends! Tell the grandparents! The aunts and uncles! The cousins! Alert the media! Your kid’s artwork is probably the best one in the whole bunch, so drum up those votes, why don’t ‘cha?? Winners in each category get a gift certificate to Benny Haha (an art supply store in downtown Eau Claire).

Seriously, this has been a really fun contest. The entries range from “very need and tidy” to “acid trip freak out.” Some of the entries appear to have math homework on the back. At any rate, V1 is very proud of the area’s youth. We should teach them well. And let them lead the way.