Should We Really Be Conspiring with Minnesota?

Mike Paulus |

They say "keep your friends close and your enemy Midwest states closer." Perhaps that’s what Jim Doyle was thinking when he got together to gab with Mr. Tim Pawlenty. They’re talking about joining forces (perhaps like Voltron). From

  • Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty are planning on saving the states about $10 million total in 80 different areas. Some of those savings could come from working together on border issues, comparing notes on buying software, and cross-checking records to increase collections of child support and income taxes. Both governors say the collaboration grew out of the budget crises in both states.

“80 different areas,” huh? Sounds comprehensive. But I’m glad we’re finally talking about border issues. We have to close these borders soon. Minnesotans flow willy-nilly into the state EVERY MINUTE of every day. If left unchecked, we’ll soon be a state of loon-loving Garrison Keillor fans. No one wants this.

At the very least, perhaps Pawlenty would be willing share some of his state’s more notable features. Like this. And this. And, of course, this.