1st Place: Citywide smoking ban
2nd Place: Chalkfest
3rd Place: Jail expansion project roadblock

Eau Claire’s decision to ban tobacco smoking in all (all!) public places made for the most riveting city council meetings in the entire history Eau Claire having a city council. The Smoking Ban meetings brought out enraged bar owners, enraged health nuts, concerned citizens, and everyone in between. There was cheering and booing and even some tears. Given the city’s bipolar response to the passing of the ban, it’s no wonder you rated the issue as “best local idea” and “biggest loss.” Those in the “best idea” camp are undoubtedly loving their stench-free clothes, hair, and lungs. You voted Chalkfest  as the Valley’s second best idea, where over 40 chalk artists turned Eau Claire’s Wilson Park into a city block-sized collage of  sidwalk masterpieces. Your third best idea was the citizen-lead success in blocking the county jail expansion project. – Mike Paulus