What the heck is this new sidewalk art?

Trevor Kupfer |

I don't know if you've seen any of these yet, but recently we spotted a spray-chalked sidewalk square near the post office with a logo for something called "Seven Five 10." I was baffled on the walk to work, snapped a photo, and pondered its meaning.

Is it a new Sunny Delight-esque soda? Is it a local surf rock band? What the H-E-double hockey sticks?

By the time I got to work and did exactly what the sprayer wanted me to (looked at their website), I realized it's a celebratory plug regarding the statewide smoking ban (it will go forward July 5, 2010 – clever) by a group called FACT (Fighting Against Corporate Tobacco). Looks like a more regional version of The Truth. You know, those people that make ads where someone is in the middle of Times Square showing smokers a blackened lung and shouting statistics into a mega-phone.

It's too bad. I was really looking forward to a Sunny Delight soda.