
Developer has New Building Plans for Phoenix Park Neighborhood

Tom Giffey |

The block – which is bordered by North Barstow, Wisconsin, and Galloway streets – is currently a parking lot.
The block in question – which is bordered by North Barstow, Wisconsin, and Galloway streets – is currently a parking lot.

Eau Claire developer Geoff Moeding wants to build three new buildings worth $14 million in the undeveloped parcel known as Block 7 in downtown Eau Claire, including one building that would be designed as living/working space for small-business owners. Moeding, who has been involved with the construction of four other buildings in the neighborhood, presented plans to the city Redevelopment Authority on Feb. 17. The block – which is bordered by North Barstow, Wisconsin, and Galloway streets – is currently a parking lot, and will remain so until a city parking ramp is completed later this year one block south. Moeding’s plan includes a four-story building facing North Barstow that would include six to 10 storefronts on the ground floor with apartments upstairs, which would be ideally suited as residences for the stores’ owners. The building would include a total of 45 to 56 apartments, he said. The other two buildings – which would face Wisconsin and Galloway streets, respectively, would each feature 30-40 apartments. Moeding is asking for $2 million in tax increment financing to complete the project. The RDA took no action on the plan, and Moeding expects to return with more information for the committee at its March 16 meeting.