This Weekend:
Meridene CD release gigs

Mike Paulus |

Tonight, prepare yourself for the triple-punch combo attack of  Laarks plus Meridene plus Wishbook show at the House of Rock (details). Halloween Alaska, original scheduled to appear, have post-poned their appearance due to an ill lead singer. Filling in at an opening slot is now Wishbook from Minneapolis, formerly Cowboy Curtis. Popular local acts Laarks and Meridene round out the show, which starts at 10pm. This is the first of two CD release shows for Meridene this weekend, for their new effort: You're Not Pretty, You're Worse.

And if you’re looking for some tunes before that show, you can catch an all ages show featuring  Cataldo & The Daredevil Christopher Wright at the Grand Little Theatre at 7pm (details).

On Saturday: Holidaze Arts Festival, Chippewa Valley Symphony Christmas Stroll, Recycled Art for Kids!, Beauty and the Beast, Chocolate Making, The Little Mermaid, Meridene: CD Release Show, Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra, Fifth Element, WHYS Radio Benefit, Charlie Parr.