Stage Theater

ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME: Speck of Dust Theatre’s Annual 24-Hour Project

a full-fledged stage production made in a day’s time

John Straub |

WHAT CAN BE DONE IN 24 HOURS? The Speck of Dust Theatre Company is bringing back their 24-hour Project. (Photo via Facebook)
WHAT CAN BE DONE IN 24 HOURS? The Speck of Dust Theatre Company is bringing back their 24-hour Project. (Photo via Facebook)

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but the Speck of Dust Theatre Company’s 24-hour project certainly will be. An event first held last year, Speck of Dust Theatre leads a community-based project where local artists come together to create an entire stage production, all in 24 hours.

“We created four short plays,” Artistic Director Logan Toftness explained. “Including dancing with mannequin arms, female wrestlers fighting over a stolen phone case, a look back into the Twin Towers, and a coming of age/coming out story in the lost and found.”

This year, the anticipated project returns on April 28. Beginning at 7:30pm, playwrights, set designers, actors, and directors will meet in teams to determine a location and theme for their show, only for it to be performed exactly 24 hours later: 7:30pm on Saturday, April 29. Based on these chosen qualities, there is even the challenge to create musical and visual art pieces during the timeframe.

Whether you are interested in participating in the event or spectating, the production is quite literally a once-in-a-lifetime experience – a testament to the hard work and excellence of our local artists.

“You'll be a part of an experience that will only happen that one time,” Logan said.“And usually there is some magic in those moments.”

Speck of Dust’s 24-Hour Project will premiere on Saturday, April 29, 7:30pm, at the Grand Theatre in Eau Claire. You can participate in the project by filling out this form, or you can buy tickets to the show at