Kid Stuff Thoughts

Three (Kid) Things We Love Right Now | April 21, 2022

purple hair, skate parks, and a vending machine for books

V1 Staff |

Photo: WEAU
Photo via Facebook


PURPLE HAIR MEANS HAPPINESS FOR ANIMALS. Four Manz Elementary staff members vowed to let fifth-graders put purple streaks in their hair if the students raised $450 for the Eau Claire County Humane Association. According to WEAU 13 News, the students raised a total of $500 and a carload of supplies for ECCHA, which meant principal Adam Keeton, art teacher Samantha Campbell, music teacher Elizabeth Mosher, and school assistant Kathy Holtman now rock purple locks.


Photo by Andrea Paulseth
Photo by Andrea Paulseth


THE EAU CLAIRE CITY COUNCIL HAS APPROVED A NEW SKATE PARK, and construction will begin this summer. The Eau Claire Skaters Association (ECSA) has been working toward building a bigger skate park for eight years and has raised $75,000 for it. (The city is chipping in $200,000.) The skate park is part of Boyd Park Plus, an ambitious plan to improve Boyd Park. The new skate park will go where the current playground stands, but have no fear: The existing playground is moving and expanding.


Photo: Andrea Paulseth
Photo via Facebook


FORGET ABOUT THE SNACKS, THIS VENDING MACHINE IS FILLED WITH BOOKS. Sherman Elementary School in Eau Claire recently unveiled a new book vending machine. According to the school’s Facebook page, students will receive tokens to get their books when their class reaches 1000 stars or when it’s their birthday. The books are the students’ to keep forever. A fifth grade class was the first to test out the new machine since they reached 1,000 stars.