Local Lit

LOCAL LIT: Seven Poems

poetry by Gary Busha

Gary Busha |

the heat settles in

like a toad on a bar stool

squatting happily


I have stopped counting

all the nail holes in the wall–

the absent pictures


silence all around

occasionally a page turns

quiet, white as snow


in my latest dream

my car gone my keys missing

you shrugging shoulders


writing is easy

stare at the blank page and think

about emptiness


your humanity

wearing someone else’s clothes

struts upon the stage


after the laughter

irony walks in and grins

orders a double


Gary Busha is an editor, writer, and publisher long active in the small press. He is actively retired. To see more of Gary’s work look here. For more info and to purchase his books, visit garycbusha.wordpress.com.