Cover Art

On the Cover | June 14, 2017

learn more about V1's cover art from Jen Schultz

Blinders” by Jen Schultz
Hand-cut analog collage (using found images from magazines, books, and photographs

Jen Schultz is a local artist and photographer who, if she’s not working on art at the dining room table, is probably out hiking with her husband, kids, and dog.

➜ More from Jen:

“In general, I want my work to have a little humor and a bit of an unsettling quality as well, kind of like a nervous laugh. There may be a theme or certain feeling I work from, but the meaning of the piece is up for interpretation by the viewer, shaped by personal experiences and the nostalgia evoked. The actual cutting and pasting process is both cathartic and messy and has a lot of meaning in itself for me. Using vintage images creates a unique experience because the time period, its popular styles, and past ideas about the world all bring different memories and emotions to different people. In a culture that is so image-saturated, it is exciting to use found images and recycle ideas in new ways, giving them new life” – The Artist

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a message.