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Cover Art

On the Cover | July 27, 2016

learn about this issue's cover art from Denise Walser-Kolar

Hoefnagel-Inspired #4” by Denise Walser-Kolar
Watercolor and gouache on vellum, 4” x 6”

Denise Walser-Kolar is a world-recognized botanical artist whose work is inspired by Renaissance illumination. Her work has been shown in international juried exhibition throughout the United States and Europe.

This work is the fourth painting in a series of 25, inspired by the work of Joris Hoefnagel. All of the subjects are meaningful to me. The blue jay feather was floating in my birdbath. I found the dead cicada at my parent’s house. The cardinal egg was from a nest that was built in the basket of fuchsias on our porch. It was attacked by crows and the parents never returned. To create these paintings, layer upon layer of watercolor paint is applied using tiny brush strokes. Even a small painting can take over 100 hours.” – The Artist

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.