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The New Emancipation

world famous Abe Lincoln impersonator talks slavery

Luke Hoppe |

You think Daniel Day Lewis was great as Abe Lincoln in Lincoln? He’s got nothing on Fritz Klein. Klein, an actor residing from Springfield, Ill., who has portrayed Abraham Lincoln for the better part of the last 20 years and has been featured in The New York Times, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, National Geographic and many more. Now he’ll bring his expertise on Lincoln and the connection between the 1800s and today to the Chippewa Valley to shed light on a topic that was prevalent in Lincoln’s day and ours: Slavery. In recent years the topic of human trafficking has become more and more prominent in the media, and that attention doesn’t go unnoticed here in the Chippewa Valley. Slavery & Freedom and the Better Angels of our Nature: Words, Music and Prayer to End Human Trafficking will highlight aspects of this dreadful topic, hosted by Abe Lincoln himself. The Living Room, a local coffee house, is sponsoring. The event is a cross between a spoken word and a unique historic experience.

Slavery & Freedom and the Better Angels of our Nature: Words, Music and Prayer to End Human Trafficking • Mar. 1, 6:30pm • Calvary Baptist Church, 3036 Epiphany Ln. • FREE • All Ages • (715) 831-0245