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Exploring the Tire Plant

Uniroyal documentary ready to screen at State Theatre

Ed Hudgins, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

For almost 80 years, Eau Claire was shaped economically by the rubber-making industry. What is now known as Banbury Place was once a Uniroyal tire-making plant. It was one of the largest manufacturing plants in Wisconsin and made Eau Claire to one of the highest paying cities in the state during its heyday. Over 1000 workers were employed at the Uniroyal plant shortly before it was shut down in 1992. Regardless of its huge impact on the culture and history of the Chippewa Valley, there are many folks here that do not know that the Uniroyal plant even existed. Many others know it was here but do not know how it (and its closing) impacted life in the Valley. Dennis Miller, who worked at the plant as a maintenance electrician for 15 years, is determined to do something to illuminate this vital part of our area’s history. To that end, he has produced a book and a documentary entitled “Voices from the Past: A Virtual Tour of Eau Claire’s Tire Museum.” Miller’s passion for this effort was apparently contagious, as he has received help from numerous sources while putting this film together. UWEC provided space for some of the filming in its fine arts gallery. The Chippewa Valley Theater Guild provided some costumes. Actors and narrators, including Judy Clark of WEAU, loaned their skills. But, Miller was the catalyst, the organizer and the promoter. Truly, this has been a major passion for him for more than a year. The product of this passion comes to fruition on Friday, November 2 at 7pm at the State Theater as “Voices from the Past” will be shown publicly for the first time. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Tears of Love organization, outreach efforts with inmates at the Eau Claire County Jail and Grace Aftercare. Again, this is truly a community effort, one that Miller hopes will educate and benefit the community as well.