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Wrapping ’Em Up

Menomonie shop Tooskies specializes in cloth diapers

Jessica Miller |

A frequent reaction upon hearing my plan to use cloth diapers was a friendly warning  against their inconvenience and messiness. Still today stereotypes of yesterday’s cloth diaper systems linger and deter parents from even considering cloth. However, having used cloth diapers for 16 months, I can write with experience that they have made our family happy. Modern cloth diapers are neither inconvenient nor messy. They are easy to wash, good for baby’s skin, they reduce waste, and overall cost less than disposable diapers.

You can read about the advantages of cloth diapers online, but the myriad of systems available will make your head spin. Save yourself some time and talk to Morgan and Ashley, the experts at Tooskies. The brick-and-mortar store in downtown Menomonie not only sells cloth diapers, but provides free individual advice and group demonstrations. A quick visit gives you the chance to feel the diapers, compare the different systems, and see how easy they are to use. As far as I know, this is the only store of its kind in the Chippewa Valley.

One of the most economical options offered by Tooskies (that no internet store can rival) is their diaper rental service. Morgan and Ashley had the brilliant idea to let their customers rent newborn-size diapers, which significantly cuts down the initial investment and can be a good way to try cloth without committing. The first four months babies require the highest number of diapers because they need to be changed often and quickly outgrow diapers. However, Tooskies lets parents make a deposit on diapers during that crucial time and return those in good condition later for a refund. At that point, parents can buy cloth diapers that will fit their child until potty training.

Tooskies • 603 S Broadway, Menomonie • (715) 231-REAR •