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Glimpse | Local Parks: Beyond Playgrounds

Anna Semanko, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

Gotta get back to the garden.
Gotta get back to the garden.

As the summer rolls in, the many parks of Eau Claire fill up. With accouterments and niceties continually added, these parks are also filling out. So who’s the masked figure behind these creations? The Eau Claire Community Parks Association is a non-profit organization that has been around since 1997 to promote growth and support of the parks. They have funds for Carson Park Baseball Fields, the Soccer Park, and Living Legacy – which allows people to dedicate trees and benches to loved ones (as you’ve likely seen in Phoenix Park). Recently, they’ve been developing the community gardens. Most of the plots are full and rented and the association is working to expand. They’re planning big for the future, as well, as the skate park fund hopes to fuel expansion, and they’re contemplating a second dog park location. Treasurer Mary Hanson says that they’re always open to new projects; the association wants to “make peoples dreams come true.” The association recently launched the “Beyond the Playground” Program for those who have support, but no ideas. For a small annual membership fee, your money can go toward the growth of the Eau Claire Community Parks, or you can just write a check out to the fund of your choice. You can find brochures at the Parks and Recreation Office on the new program and a list of the different funds. And be sure to check out the Eau Claire Community Parks Association on Facebook to see what’s up next for the parks of Eau Claire.