Questioning the Locals | Kathy Mitchell

get to know your neighbors

New Eau Claire City Council
Woman  Kathy Mitchell


WHO: Kathy Mitchell
WHAT: The newly appointed District 3 City Council member
LIVES: Eau Claire’s Third Ward
IN THE CITY FOR: 33 years

Kathy got her PhD in anthropology from UW-Milwaukee and taught in that area shortly thereafter. When she moved to the Valley, she took up UWEC administration positions including representing students with disabilities, the affirmative action officer, and assistant to the chancellor. During this time she also served as chair of the city plan commission and president of the police and fire commission. Now retired, you can see Kathy gardening at her 1874 home in the Third Ward while her husband is out cycling.

What place in town considers you a “regular?” I would say either Randy’s or Galloway Grille. I go out for breakfast a lot. Morning is my time of day.

What frustrates you about the Chippewa Valley? The winter weather. I believe it should be over April 1. Part of the frustration, for me, is that I had polio as a child and it’s difficult for me to move around in winter.

What are your favorite aspects of the community? The first thing that comes to mind is the physical environment – the rivers, the hills, the parks, etc. The people have a strong sense of community. And the university is another favorite aspect.

What do you think makes your district, which includes Third Ward, East Side Hill, and downtown, distinctive? I love our district. The historical character, the really strong neighborhoods (the associations are so important and so good), and, again, the sense of community.

What is one of the best cultural experiences you’ve ever had in the Chippewa Valley? The very first production by the Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild. It was The Mikado. My husband was in it, Bob Carr directed, and I ironed costumes and sold soda. That will always stand out for me as one of the best shows.

What’s your favorite local festival? I thought about this for a while, but I’m gonna go UWEC Homecoming. When I was there, we worked so hard with students and police to organize and tone down the event, and since then it has been a pretty positive event, I think.

What is your favorite piece of Eau Claire or local trivia? I can’t remember who told me this – maybe it was the police chief at the time – but there was a time when the city council was armed. You were given a badge and gun when you joined office.

On your death bed, you get one meal from a local restaurant, what would it be? Stella Blues’ beet salad and gumbo.

Water Street or Downtown? I gotta say both, because I do a lot of shopping at both (specifically Avalon, Silver Feather, and Just Local).

What book, TV show, or movie would you recommend to your fellow members of council? I’m not in a position to say yet – maybe a year from now – but you can’t go wrong with Law & Order. I’m a Law & Order junkie.

What Oakwood Mall store do you find yourself frequenting most often? I don’t go to the mall very often. I usually buy my clothes at Savers.

What part of the Valley have you never visited? We are avid auction-goers. We used to spend every Saturday at auctions, and I think we visited everywhere doing that.

If you could add one store, restaurant, or shop to the area, what would it be? Something like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s either downtown or close to it. An upscale place with organic food.

You’re already on council. But let’s pretend you needed a platform to run on. What would be your big issues? The top thing right now would be the budget. I wish I knew more about it to name specific things to focus on and others to maybe cut back on. That aside, I’m interested in environmental preservation, strengthening neighborhoods, sustainability, improving the pedestrian/biking accommodations, and the local food movement. I’m also always looking for ways to better involve citizens.