Menomonie Police Department’s ‘Food for Fines’ Program is Back
through Jan. 1, you can donate non-perishable food items to shave down parking fines
V1 Staff |

The Menomonie Police Department is currently offering a unique opportunity for people who owe basic parking fines. The “Food for Fines” program is collecting non-perishable food items, in turn knocking off $2 per item from any basic parking fines.
Donations can be made at the Menomonie PD office (615 Stokke Parkway) from 8am-4:30pm during the week, now through Jan. 1. Basic parking violations include Parking in a No Parking Zone, Expired Meter, No Valid Parking Permit, etc. Public safety violations do not qualify (Double Parking, Parking in a Fire Lane, Blocking Traffic, etc.).
All food items donated will benefit Stepping Stones of Dunn County, the area’s food pantry and homeless shelter.