Klinger Farm Market
This family-run and family-oriented farm features 120 acres of homegrown vegetables including potatoes, corn, tomatoes, peppers, melons, beans, squash, pumpkins, gourds, and more. For the few items of produce they don’t grow themselves, Klinger’s Market looks to other local growers to provide apples, carrots, onions, honey, jams, jellies, and cheese. Its 17 greenhouses also provide one of the largest selections of plants, herbs, flowers, and shrubs in the area. They have a kid-friendly, 4.5 acre corn maze, and straw maze as well. Summer (Apr-Oct) hours: 8am-7pm. Winter (Nov-Mar) hours: 8am-5pm.
Last Updated: April 25, 2023

For More Information
klingerfarmmarket.com(715) 288-6348
klingerfarmmarket @ yahoo.com ( klingerfarmmarket (at) yahoo [d0t] com, )