Set SMART Goals: Make Them Specific and Achievable


When setting goals, consider setting SMART goals – goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based. Goal setting can be applied in schools, businesses, and even your personal life. So, let’s take a closer look at the meaning of each letter of the acronym.

Specific: Clearly spell out what it is you are going to do. This part of the goal-setting process answers the “what,” “where” and “how.”

Measurable: Define specific criteria that can be used to measure your progress toward meeting your goal. Example: Save $500 by July 1.

Achievable: Goals should be challenging, but achievable at the same time.

Relevant: Make your goal relevant and important to you. This part of the goal-setting process answers the “why.”

Time-bound: A specific deadline/time frame should be identified as to create urgency for the goal to be met. This part of the goal-setting process answers the “when.”

Which goal(s) do you want to tackle first? Perhaps it is to save money. AmericaSaves can help you get started with more information about saving for emergencies, retirement, a car and so much more! –Jen Bailey