Dixit: Have a Blast With Some Deep Thinking

Mike Paulus, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

Dixit is a game that gets me and my kids thinking in new ways – right there at the kitchen table, it can trick you into abstract thought through beautiful pictures and rousing, competitive play. The centerpiece of Dixit is a deck of cards illustrated with gorgeous, dreamlike images. Each player starts the game with six random cards. Players take turns being the “storyteller,” who looks at the images in her hand. From one of these, she makes up a sentence and says it out loud (keeping the card hidden). Each other player selects a card in his or her hand which best matches the sentence and gives it to the storyteller (without showing it). The storyteller shuffles her card with the received cards, then lays them face up. Players then bet upon which picture was the storyteller’s. Points are awarded to anyone whose card was chosen by the other players. In the end, the player with the most points wins.The game is for three to six players, ages 8 and up, but younger kids can have a ton of fun with it when guided by the older players. My youngest was 6 when he first played, and he loves it.