Campfire Orange Cinnamon Rolls

V1 Staff |


  • 1 can of 8 cinnamon rolls
  • 8 oranges
  • Aluminum foil


1. Cut a 2-inch “lid” off the top of each orange and use a spoon to scoop out the insides. Leave some orange on the skin, though, because scooping out too much will cause the rolls to be bitter.

2. Put one cinnamon roll inside each of the hollowed-out oranges.

3. Wrap tightly in tin foil and place directly in the coals (but not in the flames).

4. The total heating time will depend on the overall heat of your coals, but 10-15 minutes should be sufficient.

5. If desired, drizzle the frosting that comes with the cinnamon rolls over the top before serving.