10 Cost-free Tips for big energy savings

V1 Staff |

1. Lower the thermostat 5 degrees at night and whenever the house is unoccupied. This could reduce energy use by 5-10%.

2. Layer up! Rather than turning up the thermostat when the house gets chilly, snuggle up in a blanket and add an extra sweater or some warm socks.

3. Scrape your dishes, rather than rinse them, before you put them in the dishwasher.

4. Wash laundry with cold water can cut the energy used in half.

5. Clean out the lint filter on your dryer before each use.

6. Keep your freezer full. If needed, fill empty space with gallon jugs of water.

7. Chargers, electronics, and other appliances should be unplugged when not in use.These little vampires can suck up significant amounts of energy, even when sitting idle.

8. Match the pan to the burner when cooking. Using a pan that’s too small wastes the heat around its perimeter, while a pan that’s too large takes longer to heat up.

9. Turn off lights when they’re not needed and use task lighting rather than large overhead lights.

10. Use covers on pots and pans while cooking, as it helps reduce cooking time.