So, where'd them murals go?

Briana Novacek, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

The new home in Banbury Place.
The new home in Banbury Place.

The collection of murals you were used to seeing displayed in the busted out windows of 2 S. Barstow (Eau Claire) will now be displayed in Banbury Place. They were stuck in a city storage building after their home was sold, but the co-owners of Banbury Place, Patti Cigan and her son Jack Kaiser, didn’t want to see the murals disappear into thin air. The murals were planned and painted in 2005 by interior designer Cecilia Cronk, art teacher Cyndee Kaiser, and a large group of volunteers.   The colorful paintings depict different scenes – from upscale urban living to local huistory to King Kong. On October 25, from 4:30 to 6:00pm, there will be a ribbon cutting and dedication for the murals in Building 6 at Banbury Place. You can check out the nifty artwork now during the hours that the neighboring businesses are open.

The old home on Barstow Street.
The old home on Barstow Street.