What you don't know about ticks

Alex Olson |

You’re most likely going to feel itchy after reading this blog, but that’s OK because a little scratching never hurt anyone.

Ticks are incredible creatures. If you think you can outsmart a tick, you are most likely going to be wrong. They can sense you coming from a fair distance away using a multitude of complex sensory organs. According to TickFacts.com they also choose potential ambush sites (places to spring onto your legs while remaining undetected) with an ability to locate paths that are well traveled. It’s often best to get really paranoid and pretend some secret organization is following you. Change up your daily routine if you’re getting predictable. Take different routes to and from work. You know they’re watching. You can feel their eyes on the back of your neck. That kind of thing.   

In case you’re starting to think that ticks are some invincible, ninja-like arachnid, you should first know that they can’t even jump! TickFacts.com elaborates that a tick searches for blood “by climbing onto vegetation and using its forelegs to feel/grab for a host.” Don't worry, they usually only climb to a height of 3 feet, so wear some stilts and long pants if you’re really worried. The little buggers will never know how a 5 star meal like you got past them.

Ok, so I hope we’ve all learned something here. That being that ticks are out there, they want your blood, and your going to have to work to keep it to yourself.