All DayFriday Feb. 7
All DayFriday Feb. 7
10am-5pm Friday Feb. 7
10am-6pm Friday Feb. 7
11am-5pm Friday Feb. 7
Roll up a sleeve and join in giving back to the community.
First Congregational UCC
Eau Claire
1:30-2:30pm Friday Feb. 7
Strengthen connections in your body, activate muscle groups along the spine, improve yoru breathing, and move energy throughout the body.
Resilient Spark Yoga
Eau Claire
3-8pm Friday Feb. 7
4-6pm Friday Feb. 7
4-7pm Friday Feb. 7
4-9pm Friday Feb. 7
4pm Friday Feb. 7
A film about a young man with brain cancer in search of community, and the hospice doctor who gave up everything to honor his dying wish.
Chippewa Falls Public Library
Chippewa Falls
5pm Friday Feb. 7
All teams receive the same jigsaw puzzle and meal. Prizes for the first three teams to complete their puzzles and eat their meals. Includes a complimentary beverage per person.
Lilydale Dance Hall & Event Center
Chippewa Falls
6pm Friday Feb. 7
6:30-9pm Friday Feb. 7
7-9pm Friday Feb. 7
7-9pm Friday Feb. 7
7-10pm Friday Feb. 7
Luke Callen’s third full-length effort is a collection of songs that spread out through time and space, dripping with honest Midwest charm and a mischievous glint
The Lakely
Eau Claire
7pm Friday Feb. 7
7pm Friday Feb. 7
7:30pm Friday Feb. 7
A comedy play featuring a collection of short dating scene stories.
Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild
Eau Claire
7:30pm Friday Feb. 7
The magnificently macabre hit musical featuring everyone’s favorite creepy, kooky characters.
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
7:30pm Friday Feb. 7
An evening of trios from the late-Romantic era featuring the music of Clémence de Grandval, Carl Reinecke, and Edouard Destenay.
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
8pm Friday Feb. 7
Delivers a rich musical experience with classics from the Great American Songbook, Big Band, and Swing eras, spanning pre-1920s to beyond 2020
The Spirit Room at the Mabel Tainter
9pm Friday Feb. 7
9pm Friday Feb. 7
7am-2pm Saturday Feb. 8
Over $80,000 in cash and prizes. Weigh-In Stations: The Edge Pub & Eatery and The View on Lake Wissota. Raffle prizes, and more.
The View on Lake Wissota
Chippewa Falls
8-10am Saturday Feb. 8
8:30am-12:30pm Saturday Feb. 8
Take advantage of these monthly opportunities to purchase high-quality local products direct from producers.
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
9-11am Saturday Feb. 8
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
9am-3pm Saturday Feb. 8
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library Dabble Box, Level 0
9am-4pm Saturday Feb. 8
9am-4pm Saturday Feb. 8
9:30am Saturday Feb. 8
10-11:30am Saturday Feb. 8
10am-noon Saturday Feb. 8
Instructors will provide examples of their favorite obits and offer encouragement, guidance, and practice in writing your own.
The Heyde Center for the Arts
Chippewa Falls
10am-1pm Saturday Feb. 8
! Enjoy raffles, bingo for prizes, a delicious bake sale, a plant sale, and exciting Hot Wheels Racing hosted by MCRP Towing & Recovery.
Evolving Wellness
Eau Claire
10am-2pm Saturday Feb. 8
Discover the legacy of journalist, business man, novelist Norwegian immigrant Waldemar Ager and browse a library of 1,600+ volumes of Scandinavian literature.
Ager House
Eau Claire
10am-2pm Saturday Feb. 8
10am-2pm Saturday Feb. 8
10am-3pm Saturday Feb. 8
10am-4pm Saturday Feb. 8
10am-5pm Saturday Feb. 8
10am-6pm Saturday Feb. 8
10am-6pm Saturday Feb. 8
10:30-11am Saturday Feb. 8
11am-2pm Saturday Feb. 8
11am-2pm Saturday Feb. 8
11:15am-12:15pm Saturday Feb. 8
11:15am-12:15pm Saturday Feb. 8
noon-2:30pm Saturday Feb. 8
12:30-1:30pm Saturday Feb. 8