
Search for Geocaching Treasure

Rebecca Mennecke |

If you’ve never gone geocaching before, this summer is the perfect time to try it out. Start off by registering for a free basic membership at the national geocaching website at Visit the “Hide & Seek a Cache” page and enter your postal code. Enter the coordinates of a geocache into any device with GPS capabilities (there are many app options for this, including Geocaching, Geocaching One, and Cachly), and then you’re ready to find the geocache. Once you find your treasure, leave behind something of equal or greater value, write about the discovery in the cache logbook that usually accompanies the treasure, and then log your experience at According to Visit Eau Claire, some favorite local geocaching locations include the Chippewa River State Trail, Lowes Creek County Park, Carson Park, Highway 12 Bike Path, and Putnam Trail.