Cover Art

On the Cover | May 17, 2017

learn more about V1's cover art from C.J. Conner

“In My Room” by C.J. Conner
Acrylic on canvas; 36” x 40”

C.J. Conner is a self-taught painter who has been passing around stories and drawings since the fourth grade.

“Even the pre-planned paintings have a way of becoming what they want to be, and this is what happened with this painting: It evolved into an autobiographical subject as I went along. I certainly wasn't that pretty and girly, but she represents me and some of the situations of my childhood. My favorite books were the gruesome old fairy tales and mythology before they were ‘Disneyed’ up and homogenized. ... I used to go to the movies by myself and saw ‘Psycho’ when I was 11. I developed a massive crush on Alfred Hitchcock and was lucky enough to see Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Twilight Zone, and Thriller on their first runs! My roomate, Troy the evil dummy, seems all too happy to participate in yet another experiment on the poor cat being held like an assault rifle. The nun on the wall is fervently praying for me because I used to talk my Catholic girlfriend into doing all kinds of things that she would have to tell in confession. To be fair I would always say the Hail Marys with her. Added bonus! My paintings always have lots and lots of research to get things right, so here are the 20 phrases on a Magic Eight Ball. Tthe phrases are written on a plastic icosahedron, which is a 20-sided object! Here are the phrases: It is certain ... It is decidedly so ... Without a doubt ... Yes, definitely ... You may rely on it ... As I see it, yes ... Most likely ... Outlook good ... Yes ... Signs point to yes... Reply hazy, try again ... Better not tell you now ... Cannot predict now ... Concentrate and ask again ... Don’t count on it ... My reply is no ... My sources say no ... Outlook not good ... Very doubtful ... No.” – The Artist

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a message.