The Shooting Range

sure, many hunters are content gunning for deer. But from snipe to porcupine, there’s a lot more than that to hunt in Wisconsin.

Tom Giffey

Pheasant hunting
Pheasant hunting

Bagging a big buck is the stuff of many Wisconsin hunters’ dreams, and the annual fall deer hunt (and its muzzle-loader, antlerless, archery, and other variations) is deeply ingrained in our state’s culture.

Yet despite all this emphasis on Bambi’s family, hunting in Wisconsin doesn’t begin and end with the white-tailed deer. In fact, deer are just one the many animals you can legally hunt in the Badger State (just don’t hunt actual badgers, please). As long as you’ve got a small game license, some of these critters are fair game (pun intended!) year-round. Others require special permits or stamps. Hunting is subject to reams of regulations, so please check with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources ( before hunting, hooking, or trapping anything.

That being said, here’s a breakdown of Wisco animals you can put on your plate or mount for your wall – if you’ve got good aim.


There are spring and fall hunting seasons for these would-be Thanksgiving entrées. You’ll need a turkey permit, a turkey stamp, and a turkey license.

Black Bear

Bear hunting permits are in high demand: Depending on where you live, you might wait anywhere from one to nine years for one. That should give you time to mentally prepare for stalking a beast that could tip the scales at 700 pounds!

Fur-Bearing Animals


The fuzzy mammals are most desired for their fur, but we suppose you can eat ’em too – as long as you don’t mind the onslaught of Jeff Foxworthy-style jokes. (Possum, we’re told, tastes like chicken.)

  • Raccoon
  • Fox (red and gray)
  • Coyote
  • Bobcat
  • Skunk
  • Opossum
  • Weasel

Small Game Mammals

A small game permit is all you need to hunt these guys, because – well – they’re small game. (Oh, and you should pay attention to the seasons, too.)

  • Squirrels (gray and fox)
  • Snowshoe hare
  • Cottontail rabbit

Unprotected Species

The DNR defines “unprotected species” as “mammals and birds that can be hunted year-round without bag limits or hunting hours restrictions.” All you need is a small game license. (To learn more, visit These species include:

  • Starling
  • English (house) sparrow
  • Chukar partridge
  • Coturnix quail
  • Opossum
  • Skunk
  • Weasel
  • Porcupines
  • Feral pigs

Game Birds

Want to turn feathered friends into your feathered enemies? Here are game birds that are legal to hunt in Wisconsin as long as you’ve got a small game license.

  • Pheasant (you need a pheasant stamp, too)
  • Ruffed grouse
  • Gray (Hungarian) partridge
  • Bobwhite quail
  • Crow

Migratory Game Birds

Some game birds come and go from the state (kinda like beaked and feathered tourists). For these you’ll need a small game license and must be enrolled in the Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program (see for info on that).

  • Mourning dove
  • Woodcock
  • Snipe
  • Sora rail
  • Virginia rail


Tired of playing Duck Hunt on your Wii? Try shooting one of the real things (check with the DNR for the appropriate permits and stamps, of course).

  • Ducks
  • Geese
  • Brant
  • Mergansers
  • Coots
  • Gallinules

Meanwhile, these animals are ALWAYS off limits:

Badger, bats, Canada lynx, cougar, flying squirrel, jack rabbit, pine marten, moose, white or albino deer, and wolverine. (Woodchucks are usually off limits, too, unless you’re a landowner and they’re causing damage.) Black rat snakes, bull snakes, timber rattlesnakes, and yellow-bellied (blue) racers are also off-limits, as are all wild birds not specifically mentioned in hunting, trapping, and migratory game bird regulations. Oh, and wolves are out, too – at least for now.