Editor's Notes

Note from the Editor | July 4, 2013

Nick Meyer, photos by Tim Mather |

SLS, 6-27-13
Sounds Like Summer, 6-27-13

The Thursday night Sounds Like Summer Concert Series in Phoenix Park is off to a smashing start this year. In fact, we estimate it’s quite possible we exceeded 2,000 people in attendance for the first time ever on June 27. It was crazy with good vibes out there. If you haven’t been out there yet this season, we’ve made some changes to expand the grounds. Thankfully that has helped absorb the growing crowd, but bigger crowds over more area also means it has gotten tough to hear the music in some parts of the park. We’re making some extra investments to fix that by adding to the amount and direction of the speakers – a move that will get the sound around the park better without blowing away the people up front. So bear with us as we experiment with those changes in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone who’s chipped in some money – either a big amount or a small one – towards the new crowdfunding campaign to pay the musicians more this summer. So far we’re 63 percent of the way to our goal of $7,000 to split among this season’s acts. As we’ve said, the event’s sponsors pay for the various costs of the series – sound, insurance, fees, promotion, etc. – but so far that’s only included a small stipend for the bands. While it’s great to play for up to 2,000 people at the park, it’s also great to be paid decently for one’s years of rehearsal, dedication, gear, time, and talents. Everyone at Volume One would like to think we live in a community that wants to support this kind of activity and the efforts of our creative people. So if you value your nights in Phoenix Park, consider donating to the musicians online at VolumeOne.org/concerts.