
Build a Better Pedal

Want to be in control of your own sound?

Marni Kaldjian |

Want to be in control of your own sound? Literally? Local pedal aficionado and Dwarfcraft Devices owner Ben Hinz will be holding a three hour workshop hosted at the Eau Claire Music School on November 17 for teen musicians. Pedals, for the musically challenged, are electronic circuits that are designed to change your guitar, bass, or keyboard sound. At the event, Hinz, whose pedals have been used by musicians Justin Vernon, Phil Cook and many more, will aid participants in creating a “volume boosting pedal...which has lots of applications to pretty much all genres of music.” There are six places in the workshop, which covers all materials for the cost of $40, but Hinz and ECMS plan on hosting a bigger event if this test drives successfully. Says Hinz, “You’ll have the skills necessary to make your own... And have a deeper understanding of how your music gear is working and interacting.”