Cover Art

On the Cover | July 12, 2012

learn about this issue's cover art by Hjordis Olson

Chicken” by Hjordis Olson
Oil on canvas, 24” x 30”

Hjordis Olson
Hjordis Olson

“I love to have black humor in my work. I’m influenced by literature such as Don Quixote by Cervantes or the story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Both writers reflect the mixture of cynicism and innocence which seems a part of my view of the world. I think the characters I paint are sometimes actors in various disguises and the audience can project themselves onto them.” – The Artist



What we were thinking: "Chicken comes to us from local artist Hjordis Olson. Not only are chickens prevalent in the Chippewa Valley but the plot thickens as we explore the two primary reasons why this cover was chosen for the July 12 cycle. First off, Volume One's world headquarters have recently opened their new doors to our gallery where this piece currently resides along with the rest of Hjordis's art show. Secondly The title of the piece is a slang derogatory term used to diminish a person's self esteem; however, the Chicken depicted in this painting stands boldly on two feet and has been rendered with a confident color palette as if to say, "Hey, who you calling chicken?" This scenario has been played out in the majority of our childhoods at some point or another. The artist intends her work to be viewed in a transference manner in which the audience member is invited to project their life's experience's on the characters in the piece and to interpret it with an objective perspective." – V1 Designer Josh Smeltzer

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.