Cover Art

On the Cover | March 22, 2012

learn about this issue's cover art by Dieter Mccallum

“Shark and the Octopus” by Dieter Mccallum
India ink/watercolor/coffee, 19” x 13”,  January 2012

Jed Leiknes
Dieter Mccallum

“Sharks have been known to prey on octopuses and vise versa. The octopus, being the more intelligent and cunning creature by nature, will, when being perused in a life threatening manner, sever one of it’s own eight tentacles, via muscle contraction, to distract the shark and escape. Though the tentacle will eventually regenerate during its period of convalescence, the octopus must still make the conscious choice of which limb to sacrifice. The piece I have created, executed not as well as preferred, illustrates the abstract thought process of the Shark and octopus dilemma everyone must undergo. However, I choose to gear this piece more towards the concept of maturity, making it more relatable to everybody. No one stops maturing.”  – The Artist 

What we were thinking: "Shark and the Octopus is a very complex piece to interpret. After identifying the visual components of the person's head, wristwatch, hand/scissors, tree, bird house, and angry bird – all contained within an ominous backdrop – one questions, "What is this piece saying?" You can learn more about the piece by reading the synopsis above, but we had chosen the piece for what it provides at face value. Seasonally, its almost perfect for this time of year. The snow is melting, overcast days with irritated humans and wildlife alike coexisting throughout an awkward transition of winter to spring. If one dives in deeper and observes the technical craft of the illustration, along with the washy colors composing the piece, it reveals an intricate work of art that is both striking and eye catching." V1 Designer Josh Smeltzer


Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.