Cover Art

On the Cover | May 12, 2011

learn about this issue's cover art by Mark W. Anderson

V1 Staff |

“Urban Development” by Mark W. Anderson
(2009, acrylic, 20” x 25”)

Mark W. Anderson
Mark W. Anderson

Urban Development was inspired by numerous trips to New York City, where observations were made and recorded through photography and sketches of graffiti that appeared on subways, buses , train stations, and anything else that could be vandalized. I always thought that the scribblings had an artistic calligraphic quality about them. The graffiti styles led me to develop what I call a free form of lettering and shapes. I would select certain words or shapes and combine them to create abstract paintings. Specifically, Urban Development was created using bits and pieces of graffiti shapes and combined to form this original piece.” – The Artist


What we were thinking: “The brilliant colors in Urban Tagging are both eye-catching and representational of springtime. Mark Anderson, an Eau Claire artist and graphic designer, created this piece, which was influenced by what he has seen from graffiti artists. He's taken these broad alleyway brush strokes and meticulously painted them with a steady hand on canvas. A balance between dark and light hues of various colors is used, making the piece compelling from any distance.” – V1 Designer Josh Smeltzer

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.