
On Tour: Trio of Local Children's Books

Heidi Kraemer |

Three local authors are on tour promoting their new children’s books. Monica Holtz of Eau Claire, Jeannie E. Roberts of Chippewa Falls, and Kristi Schumacher of Fall Creek all released their books in October and they are now available in stores. Holtz’s book, Emily at the Zoo, tells the story of a girl’s visit to Irvine Park Zoo in Chippewa Falls. The book not only teaches children about animals, it also raises funds for Irvine Park. Roberts’ book, Let’s Make Faces!, beckons readers inside its pages with a large illustrated picture of a boy making a silly face. The message that Roberts hopes will soak in is the importance of taking time to read, laugh, and enjoy life. Schumacher’s book, Out My Front Window, is meant to inspire kids’ imaginations when they look out their windows, complete with black and white illustrations and rhymes. Check out our calendar over the next few months to catch their book signings and readings at local stores and festivals.